Sitting on my bed with sluggishness and frenzy oozing out like never before (due to terrible Delhi heat) and my eyes like a metal detector scanned the room for something significant to commence with my day with. Clothes, clothes and more clothes were strewn all over the place like a massacred crowd along with my mobile, jewelry boxes and handbags and what not!! Wait a minute! A piece of A4 sized blank paper lying unclaimed at one corner arrested my attention.
It really made me marvel how the very thought of writing filled my heart with such happiness! ‘Why do we write?’ Well...writing has been one of the oldest forms of communicating, learning, informing and entertaining people since the medieval ages. With constant evolution knocking at the door, writing too has undergone face lifts and its function has broadened. The catalysts may have been altered but the basic ingredient has remained the same. There is something about the act of writing which blends the soul and mind together. It’s one of the best tools that can help you lift your spirits when suffering from stress or confusion. For a carefree person like me, creative writing comes as a means to elope into a vast intellectual world untouched and waiting to be colonized and no physical activity can match up to it. Be it a diary page, some random poem or even an article, one is always spoiled for choices.
If you are facing any emotional turmoil, emptiness or want to jump out of the doldrums, this might be the tonic that you are searching for! Writing gives you the freedom to put your dark memories into black and white so that you have a better chance of getting in touch with and then moving past those events that troubled you.By choosing to turn a negative experience into an opportunity to write some of the most innovative, inspired pieces of your life shall be penned. You'll be able to get beyond those difficult moments when it feels as though life isn't fair or has become "too difficult" without fearing any criticism or restriction. Each and every time you exert yourself and write creatively, you are not only learning something about writing; you're learning something about yourself, and most importantly, you are producing.
Writing doesn’t involve any age limit or any legal qualification. You just need to believe in yourself and let your wings reach for the sky. It makes one grow as a person and perhaps helps you understand yourself better in the long run. ;)
-Priyanka Wali, Bespoken Words Team
Nice Work ! Keep it up :)
Seems like your feelings take the shape of words... good job! Inspired me to write something of my own :-)
True...Writing is something that actually makes you pour your heart out!
very well written !! Many of us would easily connect with it... :) :)
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