‘After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.’– Aldous Huxley.
Rightly said. How many of you can relate to music in a similar manner? Many people relate songs to the situations in their life. Just when you are engrossed in work, suddenly the radio plays this song that you absolutely love. Gliding down memory lane, you turn towards the radio. Then you are back to work humming that song the entire day. Even the next morning.
Music is not defined for a particular generation. It is appealing to everyone...from kids to grannies and grandpas.
Let’s check out some interesting facts about music…
- In 220 B.C, Archimedes made the first pipe organ.
- Leon Scott was the first to discover recording of sound on to paper. This was known as a phonoautograph.
- The Boston World Peace saw the largest drum ever made. It was about 12 feet in diameter and 600 pounds in weight.
- Philips was the first company to introduce cassettes. These cassettes were initially used to record office dictations. Later on, in 1963, they were used for recording music.
- For 33 amazing years, between 1964-1996, Diana Ross appeared on a hit single, every year.
- Since 1963, Penny Lane's Strawberry Fields Forever was the only song that brought the Beatles to #2 on the UK charts, in 1967.
- Music was available on Compact Discs – CDs since 1983.
- Jon Bon Jovi was only 17 when he recorded his first song for the album ‘Star Wars Christmas’ album. The song was called R2-D2 - ‘We wish you a merry Christmas.’
- Franz Liszt, a Hungarian musician received a large number of requests for locks of his hair. He bought a dog and sent its fur to his fans.
- ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ by Queen is the only song to be at the #1 position on the UK charts for four different years.
Do you know of any interesting musical facts? Tell us.
-Sapna Krishnan, Social Media Head, Bespoken Words
Thats a good one! :D
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